You need to have Accounts with the Super Admin Role on both Source and Destination Organisation
You need to be able to make DNS changes (MX and TXT)
You need to be able to set up a Domain Wide Delegation with service account info and key provided by us and give logins (no password) for a Superadmin on both sides. We can assist in seting up a OU limited DWD.
The Domains which need to be moved CANNOT be primary domains in the source Organization. This has as a consequence that you can’t have active Meet, Chrome or Jamboard licenses on domains you want to migrate, and should be in an active status (no trial or legacy status)
Both Google Organisations need to have licenses able to access shared drives during the migration. The Destination needs to be able to create shared drives. (GWS Business Standard and Plus, GWS Enterprise Essentials, Frontline, and Plus, GSuite Business and Enterprise)
The amount of Downtime during go-live varies by the number of objects to be renamed, deleted and/or created. Normally it should be between 30 and 60 minutes. We will update this in the future with real numbers. No incoming mail is lost during this time.
For the migration of shared drive data, on the source, shared drive access to users external the domain needs to be active in the admin console (we will set it at shared drive level where required).
For the calendar migration the external sharing of calendars has to be enabled with changes (on primary and secondary calendars)
Please notice that API backend issues (on which we have no influence) CAN cause a longer than expected downtime.